Common reasons for rejection of proof of funds for I20

Common reasons for rejection of proof of funds for I20

It is important to ensure that your financial documents are current, accurate, and complete. Here are some additional reasons why proof of funds may be rejected:

  1. Insufficient funds: If the amount shown in your financial documents is not sufficient to cover your tuition, fees, and living expenses while studying in the United States, your proof of funds may be rejected.

  2. Inconsistencies: If there are inconsistencies in the information provided in your financial documents, such as different account balances or currency conversion rates, your proof of funds may be rejected.

  3. Source of funds: If the source of your funds is unclear or cannot be verified, your proof of funds may be rejected. It is important to provide documentation that shows where the funds are coming from, such as income from employment, savings, or scholarships.

  4. Unexplained large deposits: If there are unexplained large deposits in your financial documents, they may be seen as suspicious and your proof of funds may be rejected. It is important to provide a clear explanation for any large deposits, such as a gift from a family member.

  5. Falsified documents: If your financial documents are found to be falsified or altered in any way, your proof of funds will be rejected and you may face legal consequences.

Remember to carefully review all requirements for proof of funds and submit accurate and complete financial documents to avoid any issues in the I-20 application or student visa process. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with your university's Designated School Official (DSO) or an immigration attorney.