Comparing Preferences: Using Comparative Expressions in IELTS Speaking Part 1 and 3

Comparing Preferences: Using Comparative Expressions in IELTS Speaking Part 1 and 3

  1. Do you prefer to study alone or in a group? Why?
  • Personally, I find it more beneficial to study alone because I can focus better without any distractions. I can also study at my own pace and use the learning resources that suit me the best. However, studying in a group can be exactly the same as it can help to share ideas, discuss difficult concepts, and learn from each other's strengths.
  1. Which season do you enjoy the most - winter or summer? Why?
  • I enjoy winter much more than summer because there are fewer insects, less humidity, and it's a lot less crowded in public places. Additionally, winter activities such as skiing, ice skating, and snowboarding are much more exciting and thrilling than summer activities such as swimming and sunbathing.
  1. Do you prefer to travel by car or by public transportation? Why?
  • I prefer to travel by public transportation because there are far fewer traffic jams, no parking issues, and it's more environmentally friendly. Additionally, it's often cheaper than driving your own car and you can use the time to read, relax, or catch up on work.
  1. Would you rather work from home or go to the office? Why?
  • Personally, I would rather work from home because it's more comfortable, there's no need to commute, and you can have more flexibility in terms of schedule. However, working in an office can be exactly the same because it offers more opportunities for social interaction, collaboration, and networking.