1. How much bankbalance is required for U.K. student visa?
Student needs to show 28 days bank statement covering 9 months of living expense & remaining tuition fees if any.
How much money you need depends on where you will be studying. You’ll need either:
£1,334 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses in London
£1,023 per month (for up to 9 months) for courses outside London
Inside London | £1336 * 9 Months = £12006 |
Ouside London | £1023 * 9 Months = £9207 |
For example, if you are studying for a 1 year Master's course with a tuition fee of 15300 GBP in a university located inside London and you have made a deposit of 4500 GBP, the total maintenance funds required are 15300 - 5500 (deposit) + 12006 GBP= 21806 GBP.
2. What is the minimum deposit required before applying for visa?
It depends on the university. Generally, 60% of total first year fee is required before you can apply for visa.
3. What are the English requirements to study in U.K.?
Ans. At present a student can have admission if they are fulfilling of any of the below criteria:
1) Medium of instruction in English.
2) More in 65 marks in English in 12th Standard
3) IELTS Academic with no less than 5.5 bands each module
4) Duolingo Test 110 Overall with no less than 95 sub scores is accepted.
5) University English Tests - Some universities do have their own English test.
4. Can I study in UK without IELTS?
Yes, it possible.
5. Is medical test required for U.K. student visa?
For applying for CAS, a medical test certified by UK government from the listed hospital at UKVI is mandatory.
It cost around 2000 INR and they take TB test and chest x-ray.
6. What is CAS?
CAS stands for Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies. UK immigration rules require theUniversity to sponsor your application for a student visa. You will need a CASnumber to apply for a visa to allow you to study in the U.K.. Confirmation ofAcceptance for Studies (CAS) is a very important document if you are planningto study in the U.K.. Your institution will also send a unique reference numberthat will match up with your CAS. You must mention this reference number on theTier 4 visa application form. The visa official processing your application will check this number and corroborating document to confirm that you have anunconditional offer from the university.
7. How much old fund is required for applying for CAS?
Ans. 28 Days old fund isrequired to apply for CAS from any institute.
The end date of the 28-day period must be within 31 days of the date you apply for your visa.
If you submit your application on 1 January 2021, you’d have to show that the funds were in your bank account for at least the 28-day period ending on 1 December.
8. Why study in U.K.?
The UK is fast emerging asone of the most popular study destinations for education in the world. Recently2-year post-study work visa in UK expand the opportunities for talented Indianstudents to build successful careers. There are lots of other factors to chooseU.K., like unparalleled academic, professional skills with an unforgettablecultural experience.
2 Year PSW
Already a huge student base
Good settlement options with tier 2 sponsors
Quality of Education
Globally recognized Degree
9. How long does it take for U.K. student visa?
Normally the whole processcan be as lengthy as 30-45 working days starting from admission till the timeyou get your final visa. It takes 15 working days to process the student visaapplication. However it varies case by case, complex cases may take months toprocess.
10. Is it hard toget a U.K. student visa?
Ans. The system is pretty muchstreamlined when it comes to applying & obtaining the student visa for U.K.If you have a CAS letter from a decent university & sufficient bankbalance, you should get your visa easily.
11. Is Study gap acceptable in U.K.?
According to theuniversities, if you are applying for a master program, you can have maximum of10-12 years of experience starting from the year you graduated. If you areapplying for bachelor program, you can have maximum of 2-3 year of experiencein-between. Gap is never allowed, but you will be asked to demonstrate workexperience for your gap years.
12. What are therequirement for student visa in U.K.?
There is a VFS checklistto be followed in order meet the requirement for student visa in U.K..
13. Is U.K. a goodplace to study?
Yes, of course. It is oneof the most popular study abroad destination for Indian students. There arealmost 20,000 students go to U.K. for their abroad study.
14. What are thequestions asked in U.K. student visa interview?
As per the recent data,there are no Embassy interview for students. It is mainly a paper base visa.
15. Is interviewcompulsory for U.K. student visa?
Almost all Universities doconduct credibility interview test before confirming an admission. But there isno embassy interview as of now!
16. Whatdocuments are required for U.K. student visa?
There is a VFS checklistto be followed in order meet the requirement for student visa in U.K..
17. Is ieltsrequired for U.K. student visa?
Yes in most cases, eitherUKVI or Academic IELTS needed for applying at University in U.K.. IELTS can beexempted on the bases of your English marks in obtained in class 12. IELTSexemption on the bases of English marks vary university wise, but ranges from60 to 80 marks.
18. Can internationalstudents work in U.K.?
Yes, In the U.K. as aninternational student, you're allowed to work up to 20 hours at maximum perweek during term-time and full-time during holiday breaks. But there are manyrestrictions and conditions you must stay in line with to be allowed to work.
19. Can indianstudents work in U.K.?
Yes, In the U.K. as aninternational student, you're allowed to work up to 20 hours at maximum perweek during term-time and full-time during holiday breaks. But there are many restrictionsand conditions you must stay in line with in order to be allowed to work.
20. Can I studyin U.K. without IELTS?
Yes, IELTS can be exempted on the bases of your English marks inobtained in class 12. IELTS exemption on the bases of English marks varyuniversity wise, but ranges from 60 to 80 marks.
21. Isscholarships are available in U.K.?
Yes, almost everyuniversity do offer scholarships to international students.
22. How much visa fees do I have to pay?
23. How much Immigration Health Surcharge do I have to pay?