IELTS Speaking Part 1 and 3 Practice: Using Comparative Language to Discuss Preferences

IELTS Speaking Part 1 and 3 Practice: Using Comparative Language to Discuss Preferences

  1. Which do you think is better, living in a big city or a small town?
  • Personally, I prefer living in a small town because it's quieter and less crowded than a big city.
  1. Do you think it's better to travel alone or with a group of people?
  • It really depends on the situation. If I want to explore a new place and have more freedom, I would prefer to travel alone. But if I want to have fun and share the experience with others, I would choose to travel with a group of people.
  1. Would you rather work for a big company or a small one?
  • I would prefer to work for a small company because it usually has a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Plus, there's usually more room for growth and creativity.
  1. Do you think it's better to learn a new language in a classroom or through immersion?
  • I think immersion is the better option because it's more effective and practical. When you're immersed in a language, you're forced to use it in real-life situations, which helps you learn faster and better.
  1. Which do you find more enjoyable, watching a movie at home or at a cinema?
  • I personally enjoy watching movies at home more because it's more comfortable and convenient. But watching a movie at a cinema can be more exciting and immersive because of the big screen and surround sound.