Speaking Part 1: Practice Questions related to habits

Speaking Part 1: Practice Questions related to habits

  1. How do you usually spend your free time?
  2. What hobbies or activities do you enjoy doing?
  3. Do you have any close friends? How did you meet them?
  4. What do you usually do to relieve stress or relax?
  5. Are you involved in any extracurricular activities at school? What are they?
  6. Do you prefer studying alone or with a group? Why?
  7. How do you usually manage your time and prioritize your tasks?
  8. What kind of movies or TV shows do you enjoy watching? Why?
  9. Have you ever traveled to a different country? Where did you go, and what was your experience like?
  10. What kind of books do you enjoy reading? Why?
  11. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind, and how do you take care of them?
  12. What kind of sports do you enjoy playing or watching? Why?
  13. Do you have any siblings? What kind of relationship do you have with them?
  14. Do you enjoy playing sports? What sports do you like to play?
  15. What kind of food do you enjoy eating in your free time?
  16. Do you enjoy traveling? Where have you been recently?
  17. What kind of hobbies do you have? How did you get interested in them?
  18. What is your favorite type of cuisine? Why do you enjoy it?
  19. Do you enjoy outdoor activities or indoor activities more? Why?
  20. What type of weather do you enjoy the most? Why?
  21. Do you think it's important to stay informed about current events? Why or why not?