Speaking Part 3 Questions

Speaking Part 3 Questions

n the IELTS speaking test, part 3 follows on from the topic given in part 2, and requires candidates to discuss the broader issues related to the topic. In this case, the part 2 topic is based on events in a school or college setting. In part 3, the focus is on the importance of social events, the value of sport in education, the aims of primary education, and academic success. Here are some questions related to each of these topics.

Topic 2: The value of sport in education

  1. In what ways do you think sports contribute to the overall development of a student?
  2. Do you think there should be a balance between academic and sports activities in schools? Why or why not?

Explanation: The topic of sport in education is further explored in part 3 with questions related to its contribution to overall student development and whether there should be a balance between academic and sports activities.

Topic 3: The aims of primary education (now and in the future)

  1. What do you think are the most important goals of primary education today?
  2. In what ways do you think the aims of primary education will change in the future?

Explanation: The topic of primary education aims is explored in part 3 with questions related to current goals and potential future changes.

Topic 4: Academic success today

  1. What do you think defines academic success in today's society?
  2. Do you think academic success is more important than other forms of success, such as personal or emotional success?
Explanation: The topic of academic success is explored in part 3 with questions related to its definition in contemporary society and its relative importance compared to other forms of success.
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